Greensand Impact Report 23-24

Impact Report 2023-24

ME S S AG E F R OM T H E C E O ME S S AG E F R OM T H E C H A I R O F T R U S T E E S Welcome Collaboration, Support, Challenge I am delighted to present to you the 2023-24 Impact Report, which captures another remarkable year of growth, collaboration and unwavering commitment to enriching the lives of the children we serve. One of the most significant milestones this year is the expansion of our Trust from six to eight schools. We are delighted to welcome our new schools into the Greensand family. Each of these schools brings its unique strengths and character, enhancing our collective capacity to deliver exceptional education. Together, we are stronger, more diverse and better equipped to meet the needs of every child. In parallel with the growth of our schools, we have also seen the development of our Central Team. We have strengthened our centralised resources in key areas such as estates management, HR, marketing and finance, enabling us to provide more specialist support to our schools and increase efficiency. This ensures that our schools can focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional education. As you read through this report, you will see how our commitment to always be even better tomorrow than we are today is reflected in every aspect of our work. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together and excited about the future as we continue to provide an excellent education and help children and staff step into their greatness. Sue Wardlow CEO It has been a year of growth and progress for the Trust, as we continue to build on our vision of delivering exceptional education and support across our communities. Our continued development and success are a testament to the experienced and dedicated leadership of our CEO and Executive Team. Their strategic approach and commitment have ensured that the Trust not only grows but also strengthens and matures. They are ably supported by our Board of Trustees, who provide robust oversight and work closely with the Executive Team to uphold our vision and values. Looking ahead, 2024-25 promises to be an exciting year of expansion and consolidation. As we prepare to welcome new schools and explore potential relationships with additional schools, we continue to build on the strengths of our existing community but remain focused on our mission of enriching the lives of every child in our Trust by providing inspiring and transformational learning, cultural and life experiences. Thank you for your continued support of Greensand Multi Academy Trust. Nigel Gout Chair of Trustees Our Mission is To enrich the lives of every child in our Trust by providing inspiring and transformational learning, cultural and life experiences. We harness the collective power of the schools that make up Greensand Multi Academy Trust through maximising the opportunities for collaboration and supporting the work and progress of others. We challenge ourselves to always be even better tomorrow than we are today, always striving to provide an excellent education and helping every child to step into their greatness. 3 2

DOVERS GREEN INFANT SCHOOL REACHING UP, REACHING OUT We provide a safe, nurturing and engaging environment where children can enjoy learning and allow their imaginations to grow. Our children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that the opportunities provided for them are relevant to their current and future needs. HOLMESDALE COMMUNITY INFANT SCHOOL • Holmesdale Community Infant School & Nursery • WORKING TOGETHER TO BE THINKERS, CREATORS, FUTURE MAKERS Our ethos puts children at the heart of our learning community. We pride ourselves on the fact that we see each child as unique, with their own strengths and personality. Our dedicated team provides quality care to ensure children are happy, confident and active learners. MILTON MOUNT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARNING TOGETHER FOR LIFE At Milton Mount, we aim to provide an exciting curriculum that motivates, engages and enthuses all our children. Everything we do at the school is intended to ensure that children are happy, love learning and make fantastic progress in all aspects of school life. REIGATE SCHOOL HELPING STUDENTS ACHIEVE THEIR ACADEMIC, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL POTENTIALS At Reigate School, we have high expectations of our students and strive to ensure that every child achieves academically, socially and personally. We will provide our students with a balanced curriculum, a happy, stimulating environment and opportunities in abundance. WRAY COMMON PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN STEPPING INTO GREATNESS - THE WRAY COMMON WAY We take pride in providing an education of such quality that every child leaves the school with better life chances than when they first entered. Children actively immerse themselves in the challenges and joys of learning, proudly demonstrate our shared values and contribute to society as responsible and caring citizens. ST JOHN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL REDHILL DEVELOPING ENTHUSIASTIC, CONFIDENT AND INDEPENDENT LEARNERS We are extremely proud of our school and committed to providing the very best possible education with high expectations set across the board for achievement and behaviour. We offer a creative, inspiring and motivating curriculum and a wide range of extra-curricular and afterschool opportunities. OU R MEMB E R S C HOO L S HORLEY INFANT SCHOOL ( joined 1st June 2024) LEARNING TOGETHER, HAND IN HAND Horley Infant School is well respected throughout the local community. We are committed to children achieving their potential and believe this is gained through excellent teaching, high expectations of behaviour and an environment where they feel happy, safe, valued and respected. YATTENDON SCHOOL ( joined 1st June 2024) INSPIRE. PERSEVERE. ACHIEVE Yattendon is a junior school dedicated to providing children with a wide range of opportunities and the skills to make the most of these. We motivate children to try their best and learn the skills to develop independence as learners. 5 4

Since its establishment, central resources and shared provision at our high-performing Trust has grown to include: Educational benefits Annual schedule of training for different groups of staff Co-ordination of collaborative school improvement work Governance management Peer Networks for a variety of roles Peer to peer review programme Professional coaching for Senior Leaders Safeguarding oversight, including an annual audit Structured monitoring and school improvement programme Trust-wide Professional Development Pathways Business Benefits All recruitment and contractual administration Annual audit Annual internal scrutiny programme Annual staff survey Capital project management Centralised wellbeing strategy Comprehensive HR support and advice for individual schools Data Protection Officer Health & Safety oversight HR policy development and oversight Liaison with legal services when required Management of escalated casework Oversight and full support for School Business Managers Payroll support Risk Management Statutory returns TUPE management for new schools joining the Trust Marketing support Appointment of Sustainability Lead P U B L I C B E N E F I T For our schools to be places where the Greensand community want to be, feel proud to be a part of and are inspired. Greensand Aim Greensand schools have the highest expectations for all “We share our strengths for supporting our most vulnerable learners and ingredients for success. By sharing this expertise, we make our vision a reality by aiming high and learning from each other.” Jason Walters, Headteacher - Horley Infant School Greensand schools enrich children’s lives “By immersing them in the wonder of learning, creating diverse opportunities within and beyond the classroom and shining a light on the greatness.” Lloyd Murphy, Headteacher - Wray Common Primary School Greensand schools prioritise the training, development and support of staff “Joint training and collaboration between schools in the Trust develop staff expertise to enrich children’s lives which enables children and staff to Step into their Greatness.” Nicki Starling, Headteacher - Dovers Green Infant School Greensand schools use the PACE framework “At Milton Mount, we have used the PACE framework to ensure that all our subjects have clear, progressive curriculums that help our children step into their greatness.” Tom Little, Headteacher - Milton Mount Primary School C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F G R E E N S A ND S C HOO L S Greensand schools are welcoming “Joining Greensand is like joining a family – the welcoming and friendly ethos common to all our schools reflects the values we share.” Guy Perkins, Headteacher - Yattendon School Greensand schools have positive learning environments “Emotional wellbeing is crucial for happy and engaged learners and at St John’s we have benefitted from Greensand investment to create a calm and welcoming room for children to work with our ELSA.” Liz Wombwell, Headteacher - St John’s Primary School Greensand schools collaborate, support and challenge “Staff really appreciate the opportunity to work together across the Trust through INSET and network meetings, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children.” Matt Alexander, Headteacher - Reigate School 7 6

Children in Greensand Schools Achieve Greatness Phonics Achieves good outcomes for all its students by delivering education that is both high-quality and inclusive. DfE Quality Trust Description H I G H QUA L I T Y & I N C L U S I V E E DU C AT I ON Children Stepping into Greatness 77 79 78 80 81 82 83 84 Greensand 2023 2024 National 75 85 80 90 95 100 2023 83 79 83 81 80 79 97 89 2024 % of pupils meeting expected standard in phonics at the end of Year 2 % of pupils meeting expected standard in phonics at the end of Year 1 77 79 78 80 81 82 83 84 Greensand 2023 2024 National 75 85 80 90 95 100 2023 83 79 83 81 80 79 97 89 2024 % of pupils meeting expected standard in phonics at the end of Year 2 % of pupils meeting expected standard in phonics at the end of Year 1 Key Stage 2 Reading, writing and maths combined % of pupils meeting expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving the higher standard at the end of Key Stage 2 Greensand National 0 40 20 60 80 2023 2024 0 5 10 15 2023 2024 69 59 12 13 8 8 66 61 % of pupils me ting expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving the higher standard at the end of Key Stage 2 Greensand National 0 40 20 60 80 2023 2024 0 5 10 15 2023 2024 69 59 12 13 8 8 66 61 % of pupils meeting expected sta at the end of Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving the higher s at the end of Key Stage 2 Greensand National 0 40 20 60 80 2023 0 5 10 15 2023 69 59 12 13 8 66 % of pupils meeting expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving the higher standard at the end of Key Stage 2 Greensand National 0 40 20 60 80 2023 2024 0 5 10 15 2023 2024 69 59 12 13 8 8 66 61 9 8

Key Stage 4 Examinations 2023 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 40 44 48 52 56 60 42 46 50 54 58 Greensand 0.3 0.4 0.01 50 45 46 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 55 45 46 National Progress 8 Score Attainment 8 Score % of pupils achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths 53 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 61 2023 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 40 44 48 52 56 60 42 46 50 54 58 Greensand 0.3 0.4 0.01 50 45 46 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 55 45 46 National Progress 8 Score Attainment 8 Score % of pupils achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths 53 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 61 Greensand 0.4 46 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 55 45 46 National % of pupils achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths 53 2024 2023 2024 61 Greensand 0.4 46 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 55 45 46 National % of pupils achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths 53 2024 2023 2024 61 Every child, regardless of starting point or background, makes excellent academic progress and achieves outcomes that enable them to thrive in the next stage of their life. Greensand Aim Attendance 91 93 92 94 95 96 98 97 99 100 Greensand Na % Primary attendance data 86 88 90 92 96 94 98 100 % Secondary attendance data 94.6 95.3 94 94.5 92.7 90.7 93.2 90.9 2023 2024 2023 2024 4 n .7 20 91 93 92 94 95 96 98 97 99 100 Greensand National % Primary attendance data 86 88 90 92 96 94 98 100 % Secondary attendance data 94.6 95.3 94 94.5 92.7 90.7 93.2 90.9 2023 2024 2023 2024 Ensures its schools are places where all students attend regularly, are kept safe, feel calm and supported and are able to actively participate and progress. DfE Quality Trust Description 11 10

G R E E N S A ND S T E P P I N G I N T O G R E AT N E S S CON C E R T On 26th & 27th February 2024, over 270 children from 10 Greensand Multi Academy Trust schools and associate schools congregated at Reigate Baptist Church to perform a programme of contemporary songs inspired by the adventures of Sir Francis Drake on The Golden Hinde. With narration detailing Drake’s adventures peppered with group performances of recognisable hits, this was a fantastic opportunity for the music leads from each school to work collaboratively, showcasing not only the talents of the pupils and teaching staff, but also demonstrating the power of schools working together in partnership. Some of the many highlights across the two evenings included a wonderful rendition of Hillsong’s ‘Oceans’ by Reigate School; our Primary, Junior and Infant schools coming together beautifully with Reigate School to perform ‘We Know the Way’ from Moana and a spectacular finale with a very special performance of ‘Never Forget’ by Take That. With creative interpretations of other well-known songs by Imagine Dragons, Shakira and from films such as Rio 2 and The Pirates of the Caribbean, this annual event is extremely popular with both pupils and parents, an uplifting occasion that celebrates Greensand Multi Academy Trust member and associate schools. Enables children to take part in sport, music and cultural opportunities that enrich the curricula and support children’s wider development. DfE Quality Trust Description 13 12

Staff Stepping into Greatness Every member of staff is motivated to improve and engages in highly effective training, support and development. Greensand Aim Within our Trust, we strive to achieve the optimal balance between individual school styles, alignment, standardisation and centralisation in order to realise our vision. The school improvement model is bespoke in design, agile in deployment and can pivot to the needs of individual schools. It is underpinned by the PACE Quality of Education Framework and aligned with core Trust principles of Collaboration, Support and Challenge. Trust Improvement Model Creates a culture of continuous improvement in its schools through self-evaluation, challenge, support and appropriate action. DfE Trust Quality Description Supports the wider system in sharing best practice; helps underperforming schools to improve; and contributes to building a Trust-led system. DfE Trust Quality Description Has clearly defined an effective strategy to improve and maintain the performance of schools that are already part of the Trust, as well as those that join. DfE Trust Quality Description COLLABORATE Networks Responsive Support Professional Development Quality Assurance SUPPORT PACE Framework CHALLENGE D E V E L O PME N T S TAT I S T I C S S C HOO L I MP R OV EME N T 193 Hours of peer to peer reviews 83 Hours of Quality Assurance 133 Hours of leadership development 27 National Professional Qualifications completed 42 Hours of PACE Development 40 Educational Research blogs circulated The Greensand School Improvement model is agile, robust and bespoke to the need of individual schools and based on the Trust-wide principles of Collaboration, Support and Challenge. Implementation of the PACE Quality of Education Framework is focusing Trust schools on specific improvement domains and enabling school improvement to have purpose and clarity. An example of this is the Pedagogical work being implemented at Reigate School. “Seeing the quality of education improving year on year in each of our schools is testament to Greensand staff and their relentlessness in improving outcomes for all children.” Richie Emerson, Director of School Improvement 15 14

PACE F R AMEWO R K PACE is the DNA that underpins the quality of education strategy at Greensand Multi Academy Trust. It is fundamental to the commitment that all children ‘step into their greatness’ through: effective pedagogy accurate and informative assessment an ambitious, balanced and coherent curriculum high expectations We believe that when these principles are aligned and linked, they should facilitate effective learning for all children, irrespective of their starting points. The PACE Framework provides guiding principles to the Quality of Education in a Greensand school. It gives alignment but allows contextual autonomy and individual school identity. We believe that professional development is the vital ingredient that allows both staff and children to ‘step into their greatness’. Our guiding principles are aligned with the EEF’s (Educational Endowment Fund) recommendations and the Greensand PACE Framework. In a Greensand school, professional development effectively builds knowledge, motivates staff, develops techniques and embeds practice. Professional development programmes are implemented with care, taking into consideration the context and needs of each of our unique schools. Professional Development Pathways are clearly defined and allow staff to see potential career journeys with mapped out opportunities within the Trust. P R O F E S S I ON A L D E V E L O PME N T “Very rarely do you have the opportunity in a course to learn something, go back to your class and implement it, then go back to the course to discuss what worked and what didn’t, then make changes. This is what ‘The quality of instruction’ course provided - an opportunity to learn, grow and develop.” Leila, Year 2 Teacher – Epsom Downs School* *Epsom Downs is an Associate School 1 2 3 4 5 Build on a foundation of skills, knowledge, and expertise Engage participants as learners Provide practice, feedback and follow-up Measure changes in teacher knowledge and skills Measure changes in children’s performance PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDING PRINCIPLES published in 2024 17 16

The Trust Dimensions of Great Teaching Model is integral to professional development in the classroom and pedagogical school improvement. It provides Trust-wide clarity and a common language, which, in turn, allows Collaboration, Support and Challenge to support staff stepping into their greatness. “Teachers are checking for whole-class understanding more frequently, enabling them to adapt their lessons to better meet the needs of their children. This approach helps identify knowledge gaps early, leading to more timely interventions. Anecdotal evidence from drop-ins indicates that questioning techniques have significantly improved, engaging more students and making lessons more interactive.” Jack - Assistant Headteacher at Reigate School and PACE Leader Hannah Edwards, who progressed within the Greensand Trust from Deputy Headteacher at a three-form entry infant school to Deputy Headteacher at a two-form entry Primary School, highlights the benefits of completing the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH): Over the past 12 months, 27 Greensand leaders have either completed or are in the process of completing National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) in partnership with the Surrey Teaching School Network (STSN). These NPQs have enabled leaders to develop skills in key areas, including Teaching, Teacher Development, Behaviour and Culture, Literacy, Primary Maths, Early Years, SEND, Senior Leadership, Headship and Executive Leadership. Comprehensive Knowledge: The NPQH provided Hannah with a comprehensive understanding of Headship, filling knowledge gaps, particularly in Organisational Management and Governance and Accountability. Transition to a Larger School: Equipped with a broader view of operational management, Hannah successfully transitioned into her new role as Deputy Head at Wray Common, where she now leads in a larger school. Networking and Mentorship: The course also facilitated networking opportunities. Hannah connected with a new local Headteacher, discussing the challenges of transitioning into Headship, which helped her prepare for her new responsibilities. Prepared for Future Headship: The NPQH gave Hannah the tools and confidence to lead successfully in her new role and provided her with a clearer understanding of what Headship entails. The Trust’s investment in NPQs has significantly enhanced leadership across schools, providing leaders with the skills, confidence and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles. These leadership qualifications not only support individual professional growth but also have a profound impact on school operations, stakeholder management and strategic decision-making, fostering a culture of continuous improvement across the Trust. L E A D E R S H I P D E V E L O PME N T T H R OU G H N AT I ON A L P R O F E S S I ON A L QUA L I F I C AT I ON S ( N P Q S ) C A S E S T UDY 19 18

Workforce resilience & wellbeing As we navigate an increasingly competitive labour market, we continue to explore ways to position the Trust as an employer of choice. Our core values, Collaboration, Support and Challenge, are an integral part of how we define the employment relationship. We want to empower everyone to step into their greatness by: Stepping In We recognise the benefits of shared knowledge and expertise to ensure our children have the best possible education. We have shaped our onboarding experience to attract a range of diverse and high-quality candidates to work collaboratively with us to enrich the lives of every child in our Trust. To be the employer of choice; recruiting and retaining the very best staff that share in the Greensand vision and aspirations for children. Greensand Aim “Since joining Greensand as Trust Estates and Contracts Manager in 2023, I am proud to lead a brilliant team of Premises Managers around the schools, working together to ensure each school is safe, compliant and the best environment possible.” Graham Hills, Trust Estates and Contracts Manager Stepping Up A healthy, happy, engaged and inclusive workplace is an integral part of having a high performing workforce. We shape our workplace culture by: Trained mental health professionals in all our schools A n employee assistance platform offering complimentary counselling, physiotherapy, health and fitness coaching, yoga and mindfulness classes, private GP appointments and financial advice A Greensand My Staff Shop offering retail and leisure discounts, a cycle to work scheme and a free Will writing service A ccess to corporate eyecare vouchers for eye tests and discounted glasses to use at any Specsavers store S tructured teacher non-contact time ranging from 10-16% for planning and preparation E mploying cover teachers with mobility to cover unplanned staff absences M onthly wellbeing tips from our Wellbeing Lead Sally Tam, pictured Supports the retention of great staff both within the individual Trust and across the school system. DfE Trust Quality Description “I’ve highly valued the wide range of opportunities I’ve had to collaborate with other leaders across the Trust, through network meetings, challenge visits and curriculum projects, which enable us to deliver our vision of helping children step into their greatness.” Tom Little, progressed from Deputy Head at Wray Common Primary School to Headteacher at Milton Mount Primary School in September 2024. Stepping Forward Professional growth and development is an intrinsic part of our people management practices and we have developed defined career pathways for teaching, curriculum support and our business and estates management professionals. We offer staff a package of bespoke support and training and a range of ongoing professional growth pathways, for those who wish to expand their professional knowledge and expertise. Please see the next page for our Professional Development Pathways map. 21 20

SENIOR LEADER /SENCO EXPERT TEACHER LEADERSHIP Year 3 ECT 2 ECT 1 / QTS PRIMARY SCITT SECONDARY SCITT SCITT Mentor Instructional Coaching Programme Aspiring Middle Leaders NPQ in Leading Primary Maths SCITT Subject Tutor KEY TERMS CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development ECF - Early Careers Framework ECT - Early Career Teacher NPQ - National Professional Qualification SCITT - School Centered Initial Teacher Training Instructional Coach Professional Development Delivery ECT Mentor Quality of Instruction Programme School Directed Professional Development Professional Growth & Appraisal Network Meetings Coaching Leadership Aspiring Senior Leaders NPQ for SENCO PACE Subject Reviewer Lead Practitioner Accreditation PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PATHWAYS Professional Growth & Appraisal Sports Teaching Assistant - Level 3 Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Level 4 Teaching Assistant - Level 3 School Directed Professional Development Early Years Educator - Level 3 Learning and Development Practitioner - Level 3 Learning and Skills Teacher - Level 5 Learning and Development Consultant - Level 5 Laboratory Technician - Level 3 Stepping into Headship NPQ in Executive Leadership Coaching Hub & Workshops NPQ in Headship MIDDLE LEADER TEACHING CURRICULUM AND PASTORAL SUPPORT BUSINESS OPERATIONS LEAD PRACTITIONER IT ADMINISTRATION HR & FINANCE ESTATES CEO Head Teachers Executive Team Business Executive Team Education HR- CIPD Accreditation Assistant Accounting (AAT) - Level 3 Business Operations - Level 3 School Business Professional - Level 4 Operations Department Manager - Level 5 Accounting - Level 2 Digital Support Technician - Level 3 Property Maintenance Operative - Level 2 Carpentry & Joinery (Bench Joinery) Apprenticeship Standard - Level 2 Facilities Operative - Level 2 Facilities Manager - Level 3 Plumbing - Level 2 IT Solutions Hardware Software - Level 3 Information Communications Technician - Level 3 Software Development Technician - Level 3 Team Leader - Level 3 Library, information and Archive Services Assistant - Level 3 Goveranance Officer - Level 4 Customer Services - Level 3 Customer Services - Level 2 Business Administrator - Level 3 NPQ in Senior Leadership NPQ in Early Years Leadership NPQ in Leading Teaching NPQ in Leading Literacy NPQ in Leading Teacher Development NPQ in Leading Behaviour & Culture Network Meetings Network Meetings Professional Growth & Appraisal Professional Growth & Appraisal Professional Growth & Appraisal Professional Growth & Appraisal School Directed Professional Development School Directed Professional Development School Directed Professional Development School Directed Professional Development = Employee Entitlement P R O F E S S I ON A L D E V E L O PME N T PAT HWAY S 23 22

Fosters a supportive working environment by managing workload, prioritising wellbeing and taking action to support all staff. DfE Trust Quality Description Every year we undertake a Staff Experience and Wellbeing Survey. In 2024, we used external provider ‘Edurio’ to undertake the survey on our behalf and provide us with some national benchmarking data. This survey was developed to help Trust and school leaders guide their strategy for staff retention by better understanding what drives their decisions to stay in or leave their posts. The survey was developed with guidance frommulti academy trusts and school leaders across England. The survey covers six key factors shown to have the greatest impact on retention: Workload C areer Development Student Behaviour Leadership Dynamics Staff Relationships Professional Support 100% of leaders in the Trust would recommend their workplace as a good place to work. 2024 Staff Survey S TA F F S U R V E Y R E S U LT S 25 24

Growing Great Schools Uses financial data and intelligence to set a stable, accurate and sustainable long-term financial strategy for the Trust. Has a clear approach to delivering value for money through effective budgeting and risk management. DfE Trust Quality Description Operates a well-planned reserves policy that provides sufficient contingency for cashflow and any unplanned, urgent expenditure and aligns resources to expenditure priorities across all its schools. DfE Trust Quality Description Total Income Total Reserves £18m £19m 2021-22 2022-23 £22m 2023-24 £2.2m £2.3m 2021-22 2022-23 £1.9m 2023-24 Total Income Total Reserves £18m £19m 2021-22 2022-23 £22m 2023-24 £2.2m £2.3m 2021-22 2022-23 £1.9m 2023-24 F I N A N C E A ND O P E R AT I ON S Capital Investment 2023/24 Operational Efficiencies Created 2023/24 Fencing at Dovers Green £10,275 Hot & Cold Water Services at Holmesdale £153,020 Upgrade of Power Supply Reigate School £43,584 CCTV at Reigate School £27,500 Boilers at Holmesdale £37,482 Cable Ducts and Resurfacing at Horley £18,340 LED Lighting at Milton Mount £5,217 Fire Alarm System at St John's £6,809 Swimming Pool Refurbishment at Wray Common £70,076 Roofing Works at Wray Common £133,693 Year 7 Servery at Reigate School £173,337 Implementation of new Trust-wide MIS system (Arbor) Improved Premises Network & Support Onboarding of two additional schools Office Construction at St John's £9,472 Washroom Works at Wray Common £28,805 Library Stud Partition Wall at Yattendon £3,889 LED Conversion Works at Dovers Green £10,507 Recognises the importance of effective and efficient use of resources for the benefit of all schools in the Trust and the wider education system. DfE Trust Quality Description T R U S T E XP E ND I T U R E 27 26

LEADERSHIP & GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Business Education T E X T I N H E R E CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SENIOR LEADERS CENTRAL TEAM SENIOR LEADERS (SCHOOLS) HEADTEACHERS FINANCE & OPERATIONS DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SENIOR LEADERS (SCHOOLS) HEADTEACHERS EXECUTIVE CENTRAL TEAM FOR EDUCATION Governance and Leadership The board and executive leadership team anchor the Trust’s strategy in the needs of its schools, the communities they serve and the wider educational system in line with its charitable objects. The Accounting Officer, board and leadership team create a culture of ethical leadership, including the Seven Principles of Public Life. DfE Trust Quality Description Our commitment to Collaboration, Support and Challenge was the foundation upon which we built our Trust and remains integral to the way in which we lead and structure our organisation. Our Headteachers play a central role in the Executive Leadership of our Trust. The Governance Community is led by our Lead Governance Professional with the support of a team of qualified clerks. In support of strong and collaborative governance there is an annual programme of training and networking events. GOVERNANCE MEMBERS BOARD FINANCE, AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE LOCAL SCHOOL COMMITTEES EDUCATION AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE PAY AND HR COMMITTEE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CRISIS RESPONSE COMMITTEE TRUST BOARD Chairs | Assessment & Impact | Finance | Health & Safety | SEND | Safeguarding GOVERNANCE COLLABORATION GROUPS/DESIGNATED GOVERNORS Whole Trust Training 2023/24 Trust’s mission, vision and priorities for the year Good to great governance The governance of safeguarding Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Using Data GOV E R N A N C E COMMU N I T Y Governance Networks Headteachers and Chairs of Governor Clerks Designated Safeguarding Governors and Trustee Designated SEND Governors and Trustee Designated Finance Governors and Trustee D esignated Assessment and Impact Governors and Trustee 28 29


Greensand Multi Academy Trust Reigate School, Pendleton Rd Reigate, Surrey RH2 7NT 01737 948 187